Laser Hair Removal

Posted by Fizaazida | Tuesday, July 22, 2008 | 0 comments »

Author: Gilchrist Adam

Apparently, today 17% of the people that opt for laser hair removal are men. Women always had this urge for having a smooth skin so that they look beautiful but today even men are getting into it. Even athletes today want to get rid of their unwanted body hair as according to them it is a hindrance in their way for giving their best.

Laser hair removal is a process that can permanently eliminate your unwanted hair. However it is one of the most expensive hair removal methods available today. There are a lot of misconceptions about laser hair removal processes such as it can damage your skin and all. However none of them are true. Laser hair removal methods have been tested for decades and are now FDA approved. Though they should be undertaken by professionals or else one can have adverse reactions.

Before opting for a laser hair removal process you should consider the following:

The Cost

Laser hair removal is the most expensive hair removal method out there today. Though the results are fascinating still it can take more than $100 per session. If you are a person who does not want to spend so much on yourself then it is not for you. However another suggested way of reducing your cost is to get laser therapy on certain areas of your body that you think cannot be easily cleaned up by wax or other products.

The Process

You need to know how laser therapy works. Laser therapy is based on the photothermolysis process that states darker objects or areas absorb and attract light. Similarly when a laser beam is target on your skin it works on the darker areas which are the hair follicles and melanin responsible for hair growth. It can also be a time consuming treatment as it can up to several sessions gapped with 10 – 15 days. The sessions depend upon your body response to the treatment and how much of the body hair you need to get lasered. Adding to this, the number of sessions required varies according to your hair growth. At times you need to go for more than one session to get rid of hair on one particular area.

Compared to other hair removal methods today laser hair removal is considered the best. It does not have any side effects or demerits and can offer you a number of advantages. It can permanently get you rid off your unwanted body hair and can give you that smooth skin you’ve always dreamt of.

Removing your body hair is a healthy practice for personal hygiene. Today people are getting more and more aware of it and therefore they go for a number of methods and products out there. However one needs to be careful because amongst these there are products and therapies that can harm you. Even for the laser therapy you first need to consult a professional whether you are a suitable candidate for it or not.